Funny story about these nails. I painted the white base on Friday night and managed to get the diamonds on my ring finger completed in time for my dinner date with the husband. Our 8 year dating anniversary was 4 days after Holden's passing, so we postponed our date to our 6 month wedding anniversary (if there is such a thing. lol). It was kind of fitting that the only nail I managed to finish was my left ring finger.
So Saturday afternoon I finished up my left hand. I stuck with the same color scheme, but varied the size of the diamonds to see what they looked like.
However, on my right hand, I went with a skittle look. I put the striping tape down on all of my nails and then painted them and removed the tape, 1 by 1. On my pinky, I thought it would be cool if I could use my nail foil instead of polish. I painted a layer of the foil glue over the tape, removed the tape, and finished 3 of my other nails. Once I put the foil over the nail, it only kept some of the lines. I'm not sure if the glue ran a little after I removed the tape or what happened. Oh well. I removed it completely and tried to do a gradient with 2 Orly polishes. Unfortunately, they were too thin to really show up and I had lost my patience. Ha, ha.
The thumb is the only nail to do a gradient look with 3 colors in the same family.
I think the blue and green one may be my favorite. What's yours?